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Temporal Bone

Temporal Bone The thick hard bone that constitutes the base of the skull and part of its side.  It protects the structures of the ear that control hearing and balance. Synonyms:  Symptoms: Otorrhea, vertigo, nystagmus, bruising Conditions: Paget disease,   


Temporalis Muscles which are situated at either side of the skull near the temples, with the main function of raising the lower jaw.  Synonyms:  Symptoms: Headaches, pain while eating or talking, pain over the temples. Conditions: Temporal arteritis


Thigh The part of a person’s leg between the knee and the hip. Synonyms: Flank, Loins Symptoms: Numbness, Tingling, Pain  Conditions: Strain, Sciatica, Peripheral Artery Disease, Thrombosis


Thumb: The short finger on the side of your hand which is fatter than the others.


Tibia Tibia is the larger and stronger of the two bones in the lower leg below the knee. Synonyms: shin bone, shank bone Symptoms:. Pain, bruising Conditions: Fracture

Tibial collateral ligament

Tibial Collateral Ligament The tibial collateral ligament is on teh inside of your knee and connects your thigh bone to your shin bone.  It is the primary static stabiliser of the knee Synonyms: Internal lateral ligament Symptoms: Pain at the side of the knee, instability Conditions: . Stretch, tear or rupture

Tibialis Anterior

Tibialis anterior Large muscle situated on the outside of the tibia near the shin. It acts to dorsiflex and invert the foot.  Synonyms:  Tibialis anticus Symptoms: Inflammation, tenderness Conditions:  Tendinitis, tears


Toe One of the five digits on a foot. Synonyms: Dactyl, digit, Phalanx Symptoms: Swelling, Bruise, Redness Conditions: Bunions, Corns, Ingrowing Toenails


Tongue a muscular organ in the mouth which  moves food around and helps you enunciate when you speak. Synonyms:  Symptoms: Enlarged, loss of taste, difficulty to move, brown or black patches, change in texture Conditions: Hairy tongue, fissured tongue, oral thrush, mouth ulcers, lichen planus.


Trachea The tube that connects your voice box with the bronchi in the lungs, and helps you breathe. Synonyms: Windpipe, Pharynx, Gullet Symptoms:. Asthma, coughing, Hoarseness Conditions: Tracheal Stenosis, Fistulas, Tracheomalacia

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