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Navel A scar on the abdomen where the umbilicus cord was attached. Synonyms: Tummy button, Belly button, umbilicus Symptoms: Swelling, redness, itching Conditions: Umbilical hernia, yeast infection, cyst


Neck The part of the body which joins the head to the shoulders. Synonyms:  Symptoms: Stiff neck, sharp pain, headaches, nerve pain Conditions: Cervical spondylosis, Whiplash, Herniated Disc


Nose The part of the face that sticks out above the mouth, through which you breathe and smell. Synonyms: Snout, Hooter, Conk, Snout Symptoms: Congestion, nosebleed, inflammation, blockage Conditions: Allergic rhinitis, Nasal Polyps, Sinusitis


Numbness Partial or total lack of feeling in a part of the body; a sign of nerve damage or dysfunction. Synonyms:. Deadness, paralysis

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