All Fingers and Thumbs
All Fingers and Thumbs When you are too excited or clumsy to do something that requires manual dexterity without making mistakes
All Fingers and Thumbs When you are too excited or clumsy to do something that requires manual dexterity without making mistakes
All Hands on Deck Everyone needs to help
All Heart Someone who is very kind and generous.
All in Your Head In your imagination.
All Ready: Already All ready means to be prepared. Eg: Are you all ready to leave for the holidays? Already is an adverb meaning by this time. Eg: he has already had two scans on his hip and nothing has been found.
All Right: Alright All right means in a satisfactory manner; ok. Eg: It is all right to talk about politics, as long as you don’t try and force your opinions on others. Alright is an adaptation of all right and is not widely considered as correct.
All Skin and Bone To be very thin.
All Thumbs To be awkward and clumsy
All ways: Always All ways means in every way. Eg: We have looked at the problem in all ways and an answer is not clear. Always means all the time, forever. Eg: They are always playing together.
All- Something that is different or an addition. Eg: allopathy, alloantigen.