Allopathy Normal medical treatment.
Allopathy Normal medical treatment.
Allot: A Lot of Allot means to distribute. Eg: The food parcels were allotted to those most in need. A lot of means many. Eg: There are a lot of patients who do not like the hospital food.
Allow For To include something in a calculation or situation;
Allow: Permit Allow can be followed by an object + an infinitive, or an adverbial particle. It cannot be used as a passive structure. eg. She allows him to watch the television every evening. He allows his daughter out until 11pm at the weekend. Permit can be followed by an object and an infinitive but …
Allowed: Aloud Allowed means permitted. Eg: Dogs are not allowed on the grass. Aloud means spoken out loud. Eg: He had to read his story aloud to the class.
Alveolus/i Very small air sacs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place. Synonyms: Symptoms: Shortness of breath, cough, cyanosis Conditions: Pneumonia, Emphysema, Acute respiratory Distress syndrome (ARDS)
Anal Canal The anal canal is a channel which connects the rectum to the end of the gastrointestinal tract – the anus. Synonyms: Symptoms: Rectal bleeding, pain Conditions: . Cancer, haemorrhoids
Aneurysm: An abnormal blood filled swelling of a blood vessel, usually an artery, which results from a weakening of the vessel wall.
Ankle The joint that connects the foot to the leg. Synonyms: Symptoms: Swelling, Bruising, Instability Conditions:. Sprain, Fracture, Arthritis
Anterior cruciate Ligament A ligament in the middle of the knee which prevents the shin-bone from sliding in front of the thigh bone Synonyms: Cruciform ligament Symptoms: Pain on outside of knee, discomfort when walking, selling, limited motion Conditions: Rupture, tear, sprain