An infinitive structure is often used after an adjective which expresses feeling or reactions. Such adjectives include:
An infinitive structure is also used after certain other adjectives, such as:
This structure can also be used with an adjective + noun.
The infinitive structure is also used after the first, the second, the third etc. and also after the next and the last.
Superlatives can be followed by the infinitive structure, with a meaning which is similar to a relative clause.
With certain adjectives a structure exists where the subject of the clause is the object of the infinitive. Adjectives include: impossible good ready easy hard difficult.
However, easy, difficult and impossible cannot be used in this way if the subject of the clause is the subject of the infinitive.
Afer a number of adjectives, the structure “it is …… someone to do something” can be used. The adjectives include:
kind. nice. generous. stupid. silly clever