Table of Contents

  • Usage
  • With It Looks, Sounds, Smells Etc
  • With Other Verbs
  • Tense


As if and as though are used to say how someone or something sounds, looks, feels etc.


  • The linen looked as if nobody had touched it for years.
  • He sounded as though he had a bad cold.
  • I don’t feel as if we are very welcome here.
  • .

It Looks, Sounds, Smells Etc

As if and as though can also be used with it sounds, it looks, it smells etc.


  • It sounds as if you could do with a break.
  • It seems as though he has been ill for a long time.
  • It looks as if nobody lives here.

With an it structure, like can be used instead of as if or as though.


  • It sounds like John isn’t very happy in his new job.

Such as can be used with a noun.


  • Some people, such as your father, have no patience with children.

With Other Verbs

As if can also be used with other verbs to say how someone does something..


  • After the accident she carried on as if nothing had happened.
  • My children often look at me as if I’m mad.


After as if the past tense is sometimes used when talking about the present. The meaning is not past, it has the sense of not being real.



  • I wish that man would be quiet – he talks as if he knew everything. (ie: he doesn’t know everything).
  • Why is she acting as though she knew me? I have never met her before.
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